Le harcèlement au travail

The world of the trail is unfortunately not spared from harassment and other gender-based violence. Women Break The Silence works to improve the working conditions of women and other victims of GBV in companies and other organizations in two ways.

The essentials of our actions to combat harassment in the workplace

Harassment at work can take many forms: insults, criticism, sheltering, intimidation or humiliation. No list of facts characterizes harassment in the workplace. What are our actions against harassment in the workplace?

Manangy: feminist collective in Antsiranana

This collective sticks messages in public spaces to sensitize to gender-based violence. the local team of Antsiranana mobilizes in 2022 on this action of sexual harassment at work, at the university and in the public administration.

Outreach to NGOs and businesses in selected cities

We raise awareness and prevent harassment at the work of NGOs and companies in Antananarivo, Fort Dauphin and Mahajanga. The duration of the sessions varies depending on the entities. We have had to adapt to the availability of each and especially to their needs. Each of the trainings contains: animated ice-breakers, the understanding of the difference between gender and sex, the difference between dredge-harassment and aggression, the different types of gender-based violence, roles and lively debates, the dissemination of videos and group work.
Nois encourages the trained structures to adopt several measures following our training:
• a gender focal point
• an internal gender-based violence policy

Women Break The Silence in action

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